Check Status¶
docker ps | grep autoscan
Restart Container¶
docker restart autoscan
Previous Activity¶
cat /opt/autoscan/activity.log
Live Log¶
tail -F /opt/autoscan/activity.log
Check Status¶
sudo systemctl status saltbox_managed_cloudplow.service
Previous Activity¶
cat /opt/cloudplow/cloudplow.log
Older logs are named as cloudplow.log.1, cloudplow.log.2, etc.
Live Log¶
tail -F /opt/cloudplow/cloudplow.log
sudo journalctl -o cat -fu saltbox_managed_cloudplow.service
Sometimes, debug-level logging can be useful. To enable this, make this change in the service file and restart the service.
In this file: /etc/systemd/system/saltbox_managed_cloudplow.service
, change the log level to "DEBUG":
ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /opt/cloudplow/ run --loglevel=DEBUG <<<<< RIGHT THERE
ExecStopPost=/bin/rm -rf /opt/cloudplow/locks
You should only enable debug logging while you need it to track down a problem.
Remote Mount¶
Pick one of these.
Rclone VFS¶
Check Status¶
The services that saltbox creates are named with this pattern: saltbox_managed_rclone_nameofremote.service
; and in these examples are referred to as SERVICE_FILE.service
. nameofremote
is the name defined in the remotes
section of settings.yml
sudo systemctl status SERVICE_FILE.service
See a live log¶
sudo journalctl -o cat -fu SERVICE_FILE.service
Union Mount¶
Check Status¶
sudo systemctl status mergerfs.service
See a live log¶
sudo journalctl -o cat -fu mergerfs.service
Find the container name: docker ps -a
Live logs¶
Live log (from the beginning of the log)¶
docker logs --follow <container_name>
Live log (from the last 10 lines of the log)¶
docker logs --follow --tail 10 <container_name>
docker logs -f plex
Note: --follow
= -f