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Firefly III

What is it?

Firefly III is a (self-hosted) manager for your personal finances. It can help you keep track of your expenses and income, so you can spend less and save more. Firefly III supports the use of budgets, categories and tags. Using a bunch of external tools, you can import data. It also has many neat financial reports available.

Firefly III should give you insight into and control over your finances. Money should be useful, not scary. You should be able to see where it is going, to feel your expenses and to... wow, I'm going overboard with this aren't I?

But you get the idea: this is your money. These are your expenses. Stop them from controlling you.

If your project has grown and deploying from the terminal is no longer for you then Semaphore UI is what you need.

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1. Installation

sb install sandbox-fireflyiii

2. URL

  • To access the Firefly III, visit https://fireflyiii._yourdomain.com_

3. Setup

4. Additional Settings

  • The default installation utilises a seperate postgres database.
  • This will install the fireflyiii core container and install the mariadb database
  • Note: It can be installed using postgresql and mysql

  • It will by default enable webhooks

Note: For all available settings please refer to the Firefly III example env

4.1 Email Notifications

To enable email notifications, set the following inventory entries to your desired values:

Firefly III Email Settings
MAIL_MAILER: "log"  # (1)!
MAIL_HOST: "localhost"  # (2)!
MAIL_PORT: "25"  # (3)!
MAIL_FROM: ""  # (4)!
MAIL_USERNAME: ""  # (5)!
MAIL_PASSWORD: ""  # (6)!
  1. The MAIL_MAILER-setting indicates the system that is used for mailing. Firefly III supports the following mail systems: smtp, sendmail, mailgun, mandrill, sparkpost and log. Here is an explanation about each MAIL_MAILER option
  2. Replace localhost with your email host. IE:
  3. Replace 25 with your email port. IE: 587
  4. The email address you want to send to. Replace "" with the email address you want to send to
  5. Replace "" with your email username if necessary.
  6. Replace "" with your email password if necessary.
  7. Use SSL or TLS for communication with the SMTP server. Can be true or 'false.

4.2 Firefly III Authentication

By default this utilises the authelia authentication and utilises its own authentication mechanism

This can be changed to do 1 of the following:

Firefly III Remove Authelia
fireflyiii_traefik_sso_middleware: ""

Redeploy the Firefly III role to apply the above changes.