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Firefly III Data Importer

What is it?

Firefly III is a (self-hosted) manager for your personal finances. The data importer is built to help you import transactions into Firefly III. It is separated from Firefly III for security and maintenance reasons.

The data importer does not connect to your bank directly. Instead, it uses Nordigen and SaltEdge to connect to over 6000 banks worldwide. These services are free for Firefly III users, but require registration. Keep in mind these services have their own privacy and data usage policies.

The data importer can import CSV files you've downloaded from your bank.

You can run the data importer once, for a bulk import. You can also run it regularly to keep up with new transactions.

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1. Installation

sb install sandbox-fireflyiii_importer

2. URL

  • To access the Firefly III Data Importer, visit https://fireflyiii_importer._yourdomain.com_

3. Setup

3.1 Connection To Firefly III

The Required variables that should be defined in inventory:

To authenticate the Data Importer to Firefly III you require to use either:

3.1.1 Access Token

Firefly III Data Importer Access Token Settings
  1. Your access token from your instance of Firefly III | Options | Profile | OAuth | Personal Access Tokens | Create New Token.

3.1.2 Client ID

Firefly III Data Importer Client ID Settings
  - FIREFLY_III_CLIENT_ID: "1"  # (1)!
  1. Your client id from your instance of Firefly III | Options | Profile | OAuth | OAuth Clients | Create New Client.

    Note: Your require to leave Confidential unticked

4. Additional Settings

Note: For all available settings please refer to the Firefly III Data Importer example env

4.1 Email Notifications

To enable email notifications, set the following inventory entries to your desired values:

Firefly III Data Importer Email Settings
MAIL_MAILER: "log"  # (1)!
MAIL_HOST: "localhost"  # (2)!
MAIL_PORT: "25"  # (3)!
MAIL_FROM: ""  # (4)!
MAIL_USERNAME: ""  # (5)!
MAIL_PASSWORD: ""  # (6)!
  1. The MAIL_MAILER-setting indicates the system that is used for mailing. Firefly III supports the following mail systems: smtp, sendmail, mailgun, mandrill, sparkpost and log. Here is an explanation about each MAIL_MAILER option
  2. Replace localhost with your email host. IE:
  3. Replace 25 with your email port. IE: 587
  4. The email address you want to send to. Replace "" with the email address you want to send to
  5. Replace "" with your email username if necessary.
  6. Replace "" with your email password if necessary.
  7. Use SSL or TLS for communication with the SMTP server. Can be true or 'false.

Redeploy the Firefly III Importer Role role to apply the above changes.